BISA Bahrain International Boarding School

BISA Dormitory Bahrain International Boarding School aims to provide a safe, happy and harmonious home-away-from-home, where students can develop academically and personally. The Bahrain Boarding Dormitory is situated on the campus of Bahrain School, although it is not directly connected to the US Department of Defense.

Supported by BISA, it provides accommodation for up to 52 girls and 64 boys from grades 8 through 12. Spacious and attractively decorated, the BISA Dormitory combines basic necessities with modern conveniences. Boys and girls live in separate wings on both sides of the main reception area, and each wing has its own comfortable lounge, well-supplied kitchen area and laundry rooms. Bedrooms are designed to accommodate two students but when possible students are allocated rooms of their own. All bedrooms have Wireless Internet connections. Dormitory students also enjoy a large study hall and computer room, co-ed lounge and recreation room.

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